Welcome to our FAQ page for Trip to Spain – Language Immersion Travel! Whether you’re planning an educational adventure to improve your Spanish or exploring the rich cultural tapestry of Spain, this page aims to answer all your questions. Here, you’ll find detailed information about our immersive travel programs, what to expect during your stay, and how to make the most of your linguistic and cultural journey. Let us help you prepare for an unforgettable experience in Spain!



What type of luggage is best?

Ultimately, it depends on the program length and airline. However, it’s recommended to back an extra duffle bag/bookbag to pack items purchased while in Spain.

What clothes should I pack?

  • Comfortable shoes and lightweight clothes for walking and touring the city. Plan to wear layers to adjust to the fluctuating temperatures throughout the day (cardigans, sweaters, etc.). Check the weather forecast a few days before your trip to pack accordingly.
  • Bear in mind that Spaniards dress more elegantly than t-shirts, flip-flops, and leggings. Pack at least one nice outfit for dining out or formal events. Additionally, some monuments require that visitors be dressed modestly (covered shoulders, mid sections, and shorts that reach to the knee). 

  • In your carry-on bag, pack travel sized toiletries and some clothes in case checked-in luggage is lost.

What are other essential items to pack?

  • Physical passport and copies.
  • Airline tickets.
  • Adapters and battery packs/chargers. 
  • Wallet (credit card and cash)
  • A small notebook with the names, phone numbers, and addresses of your parents, accompanying teachers, and Carlos V emergency staff contact (in case of lost phone).
  • Day backpack.
  • Pajamas and slippers (walking barefoot at home is uncommon in Spain). 
  • Bathing suit, beach towel, sunscreen, flip-flops, hat/cap and sunglasses. 
  • Comfortable walking shoes. 
  • Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, toothbrush & toothpaste, lotion, hand soap & sanitizer, etc.). The residence will provide bed sheets, a pillow, and bath towels
  • Wash cloth/ shower sponge
  • Prescription medication and/or contact lenses that will last throughout the trip duration. It’s also a good idea to bring generic medication for headaches and stomach aches (especially if you prefer a specific brand).

Student Residence

What does that mean?

Similar to a U.S. college dorm, this is an independent student residence in the city. Students from all over the world stay there during the academic year while studying at university.

What services are available in the facility?

  • We work with a variety of residencies that offer different services. In general, students will have access to: study rooms, dining hall, gym, movie room, common areas, an outdoor terrace, laundry room (washer & dryer), gaming area, and pool (seasonal).
  • Towels and linens are included. Bring your own toiletries or plan to buy upon arrival.
  • Timetables depend on the residence and season.

How does laundry work?

  • Students can do laundry anytime they are in the residence and have free time. 
  • It ultimately depends on the residence you stay in. Ask a few weeks before the departure date. However, there will be either a machine where you can use your credit card to receive coins for the washer/dryer or you may need coins before arriving.
  • For a few cents more, you can pay to have the detergent automatically dispensed or you can bring your own. Tide Pods are fine. 


What do I need to know about bringing money?

  • The easiest way to pay is by credit card or cash. There are two options: before the trip or once arriving in Spain. It’s recommended that students carry some cash at all times for small purchases as there is normally a minimum amount needed in order to be able to pay with card. 
  • Most U.S. banks offer currency exchange services for a fee. This needs to be done a few weeks in advance since some banks have to request it from a sister branch. 
  • You can bring US Dollars and exchange them upon arrival. Communicate with your trip coordinator to make sure time is scheduled to convert. 
  • There are ATMs in most areas where you can insert your credit card and take out Euros at the most updated exchange rate.
  • Apple Pay is accepted in many places (but not all). 


Can I use my Smartphone abroad?

Check with your service provider about international roaming.Set this up before departure day to make sure you can make calls/text while during the trajectory (airport layovers).

Is there WiFi?

Wifi is available in the housing accommodation and the Carlos V School but expect not to have wifi access out in public (restaurants, malls, etc.)

Are there any apps I need?

**Download before departing**

  • WhatsApp. This is used for the Carlos V Staff to easily communicate and facilitate information regarding the program. 
  • The Carlos V Education APP in order to access the program itinerary digitally. 
  • This depends on preference, but make sure you have tools to help you move around such as Maps. It’s also recommended to install a translation app if you have basic Spanish. 

Emergency Preparedness

What’s the emergency number?

For all emergencies, contact the Carlos V emergency number at your location.

  • SEVILLA:  (+34). 628 85 10 04
  • MALAGA: (+34) 649 27 21 06
  • MADRID: (+34) 647 59 68 60

In the event of immediate danger (medical emergencies and security concerns) call the number 112. This is the equivalent to 911.

Is Spain a safe country?

  • Of course! All accommodation, program activities, and courses take place in some of the best areas in the city which are tourist-friendly
  • We recommend that, due to large amounts of people on the streets, all should practice smart tourism by being mindful of your belongings to avoid theft or pickpocketing. 

What’s the protocol for allergies, intolerances, and medical diagnoses?

Communicate with the program coordinator ASAP with the following:

  1. Allergy/ intolerance or medical diagnosis
  2. Symptoms
  3. The Emergency Action Plan & medication the student will bring with them as well as detailed instructions on its administration 
  4. Emergency contacts—> name, phone number, and email address

Will I have access to doctors and hospitals if needed?

  • Yes, if you require medical attention there is a plethora of public medical facilities. 
  • In the event that medical attention is necessary, the participant will be accompanied by a Carlos V staff member and the emergency contact will be called immediately.

Cultural Awareness

What do I need to know about Spain before coming?

  • Vienes como un español, no como un turista (You come as a Spaniard, not as a tourist.) The objective is to be fully integrated in the language and culture; expect to do everything differently. 
  • Learn about Spanish customs, traditions, and etiquette to respect local culture. Aspects that are most apparent at first include:
    1. meal times
    2. traditional food
    3. greeting one another (2-cheek kisses)
    4. clothing style
    5. siesta time
    6.  walking everywhere… among many more!

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